What Does the Snow Mean For Zodiac Signs?
What Does the Snow Mean For Zodiac Signs?
- Aquarius: If you've just been phoning it in lately — which is understandable in a damp, chilly month — it's time to wake up. "The snow moon requires investment in what this star loves doing best rather than going through motions," Moore said.
- Pisces: Though Pisces loves to be generous and put others first, February is a time to step back from that and instead look at what you need. Moore said, "It will be time for introspection, time to recharge so that you can load up for yourself."
- Aries: "The snow moon brings renewed focus, and it is vital you tap into this energy," Moore said. Keep trudging forward, even on the days when it's hard.
- Taurus: It's time to stop being a people-pleaser, because you'll never please everyone, Moore said. Instead, focus on your own self, and start leaving behind anyone who doesn't bring value to your life.
- Gemini: Healing is a process that you'll continually go through, including during this snow moon. Pain and hurting "will no longer cripple you," Moore said.
- Cancer: "It is fine to keep seeking the right answers, because you are good at it," Moore said, adding that it's important to let the stars guide you.
- Leo: You may want to control everything in your life, but you really don't have to. Moore said, "Everything does not have to work exactly the way you picture it. Trust that the right energy will come your way. It is fine to relax."
- Virgo: You know all that stuff you've been putting off for later? Now's the time to do it. You'll be so glad you did.
- Libra: The festive season may have stressed you out a bit because you're such a planner, and if you didn't start to relax in January, take February to do just that. Moore said, "It is never that serious, and taking time out will do you so much good."
- Scorpio: It's time to let go of what doesn't serve you or bring you joy, Moore said. Remove any and all excess from your life this month, and focus on your own happiness.
- Sagittarius: Routines can be great for productivity, but after too long, you start to lose momentum and can even forget what you're working toward. This February, it's time to figure it out. Moore said, "Finding the spark to overcome routine is what this star needs to think about more."
- Capricorn: It's easy to lose track of goals during the festive season and instead focus on just enjoying yourself. That's totally fine and good for your soul, but now that it's the new year, Moore said, it's time to recentre. "It is about focusing on priorities and getting back on course," she said.