Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day is great for lovers, but it also serves as a very in-your-face reminder of any lack of love in your life if you happen to be single. If you've recently had your heart broken and find yourself cursing every happy couple or heart-shaped-anythingthat crosses your path, consider rhodonite the 2020 Valentine you can trust. It's considered the ultimate heart-healing crystal and is perfect for soothing any emotional turmoil that results from a breakup. In other words, it's a must-have for all of us bleeding hearts come.
How to use it: Time for a heart-healing meditation, y'all! "If you're in conflict with someone you love, ask the Rhodonite to guide you in surrounding the problem with unconditional love free of expectations and needs, leaving your heart open to pure affection,". "Hold a Rhodonite crystal stone in your hand and imagine floating in a giant pool of pink. You'll be amazed at how quickly toxic emotions melt away when you kill them with true kindness." Give yourself as long as you need to really get into the zone for this meditation and visualization, and you're bound to feel results.