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The Crystal Power Tarot:

I am so proud to announce that my new Tarot Deck,  The Crystal Power Tarot: is available for pre order on Amazon. 

Take the tarot beyond divination into the magical realm of self-empowerment with this beautiful 78-card deck, which is infused with the wisdom of crystals and accompanied by a 64-page guidebook.

For many centuries, both tarot cards and crystals have been used as powerful divination techniques – and they come together in The Crystal Power Tarot. Featuring more than forty stunning stones, every tarot card depicts a crystal, placed within a lavish artist-commissioned tarot image. In the guide book are interpretations for all the cards, plus the properties of their crystals and five spreads to try – from a simple card of the day to a seven-card chakra spread for healing. Each card also includes an empowerment affirmation, which provides a way for you to declare your intention and connect with the card’s crystal, thus taking action to influence your future and make your dreams a reality. From relationship advice to career guidance, this unique crystal tarot illuminates what’s important to you now, and gives you the means to make your wishes come true.

About the Author
Jayne Wallace is the founder of Psychic Sisters, a team of 15 clairvoyants working from her concession at Selfridges department store in London. Jayne has worked as a professional clairvoyant since the age of 17 and has a monthly column in Fate & Fortune. She is the author of Oceanic Tarot and The Angel Tarot, both published by CICO Books. She lives in Essex.

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