Tarot Course Week Three - Week 4
Every week i will help you to connect to the Tarot. This week we look at the Minor Arcana Cards starting with the Threes. First open your Chakras, remove the Threes out of your deck. Feel the energy of the 3's. Number 3's vibration should be one of birth, life and self-expression. Place the cards in your hands and repeat the energy, feel the energy, get a sense of the number 3.
Threes: Activity
Three of Cups
The 3 of Cups brings happiness, success and the beginning of a new lifestyle. Something good is on its way, celebrations such as bridal showers, celebrations, or parties. Also an indication of metaphysical interests.
Keywords: Celebration, friendship, healing, fun, flirtation, indulgence, creativity
Meaning: Reunion
You gather together with friends and family to celebrate, so this three predicts weddings, parties, reunions, and precious time with the people you love who make you feel like your true self; their company is uplifting, fun, and replenishing. If you’re single and looking for love, there may also be an opportunity for a flirtation, and if you’re working on a creative project, now is the time to get into the zone.
Advice: Be carefree; enjoy the company of those who make you laugh.
Three of Pentacles
Remove the 3 of Pentacles. The 3 of Pentacles shows you have great skill and ability. It may show a special talent. Also a reward of recognition for a talent. Efforts will be finally rewarded in money and recognition.
Keywords: Reputation, learning, skill, performance, reward, security, completion
Meaning: Recognition It’s time for acknowledgement as your work gets positive attention. From making a speech, organizing an event, or demonstrating your skill to others, your success is public rather than private. On the home front, this Three can show you making your home presentable so you can sell it, or you renovate or redecorate your property. Whatever you do now you take pride in, and you work has a lasting effect.
Advice: Show off your work and be proud of your achievements. Further success is on the cards.
Three of Swords
Remove the 3 of Swords. This designates a deep pain, or deep sorrow. Try to stay away from an argument and battles; family situations could bring upset and tears. Could indicate a miscarriage. Misfortune separates loved ones, causing sadness and corruption from a third party.
Keywords: Heartbreak, sorrow, betrayal, loss, affairs of the heart, break-ups, tears
Meaning: Heartache
This Three is the heartbreak card of the tarot, but thankfully it is a minor arcana card - a transient event that you will process and heal from. It often arises to reveal relationship breakups, affairs, and disappointment. The positive of this card is that at least you know exactly where you stand; you see the truth. This three can also signify stress symptoms, such as anxiety and fear.
Advice: Feel the pain and see the truth of the matter; this situation has happened for a reason.
Remove the 3 of Wands. The 3 of Wands designate a willingness of someone to give assistance, or cooperation. The right person could enhance a project. Someone with the knowledge of things can give you help. Seeds planted for business venture can prosper.
Keywords: Travel, relationships, weddings, originality, success, the arts, sport
Meaning: Motivation This Three brings energy and enthusiasm to all your activities, and in love, predicts a new relationship and celebrations, such as weddings and engagements. This Three is also a brilliant card for travel, and for the arts and sport, too, showing a dynamic attitude that gets results. You may find yourself taking an unusual approach to a dilemma or situation, finding ingenious ways to problem-solve and get your message across.
Advice: Think laterally; try new ways to fire your communication and creativity.
Like most things, the more you practice the better you become. So please follow the exercises below as often as you can.
1) Now I would like you to combine the Threes. Work with them together. Get in touch with their vibrations and meanings.
2) when you feel read combine all the Tarot cards that you have worked with together. Get a feel of all these cards.
See you for next week
When finished with your Tarot Cards, please close your Chakras.