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Hi everyone,

I'm so excited for christmas! It has that chill in the air now, the one that makes you want to snuggle down with a blanket. I cant wait to be around my family finally and see all of there smily faces. The christmas decs are going up on the 1st and soon my street will be glowing with all the festive cheer of the neighbours. 

Wow it’s here!! My absolute favourite time of year, I love everything about this season. Children’s happy faces, the look on a loved ones face when you’ve got their gift just right! Letting your hair down. Yuletide treats and soppy sentimental movies filled with magic .I love it all, but this year more than most, in light of those we’ve lost and the madness that is COVID19. It’s made me realise, down to my core, how very important all those seemingly sentimental little traditions are and of course the whole thing is really about the message behind it all.

People you don’t know shouting “seasons greetings “, carol singers and people giving their time to aid the homeless and elderly. The message is thoughtfulness, a homemade mince pie for your neighbour, a favourite tiffle shared over a garden fence and being kind to all you meet. All of this and so much more, I’m always told I’m overly generous, give too much, etc I do it because I’m addicted to that feeling of the complete joy you get when someone you loves eyes light up because of what you have gifted them. It simply makes me happy to make others happy. This year made me see that it’s not about how much you spend or even what you buy it’s the thought behind a kind gesture, going out of your way for a stranger and starting every day trying your very best to be the best person you can be and doing something rewarding for no reward.
So this year I’ll be focussing on giving back, in energy and love, not coin. I’ll be focussing on sending out healing to those in pain, sharing what I have with a homeless person and most of all remembering how extremely blessed I am. I have my family, although very small, I have my job and a vocation that makes me want to get out of bed everyday!  I have my friends and health so it looks like Christmas came already ! I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of my clients both regular and new for their messages of thanks and of course their custom, we are all in this together and as long as we all remember our blessings and help each other we will make it
through anything .
Merry Christmas everyone with love as always Sheila ????

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