Sheila's Corner
Hello everyone,
My son's birthday and also his wedding, so much for me to celebrate this month. One thing I’ve noticed after lockdown is how lovely it is to do all the things we used to take for granted. All types of socialising, eating out, the movies and shopping without masks what joy! Makes you think really about how many luxuries we generally take as a path of the course. I for one am going to make the most of every moment from the mundane and everyday to the exciting or unexpected .
By taking joy from even the simplest tasks in life we can change how we view the world we live in and how we treat it, our planet as well as the people living on it .I pick up after my dog, I carry my litter with me until I find a bin, I recycle everything, even clothing. It’s such a small part for each of us to play but collectively we can make a difference and it starts with how we view each other and our lives. I try to do one kind thing for someone I don’t know everyday and find as many ways as possible to find the positives even in people I don’t much like. I smile at those that make eye contact and generally try my hardest to find the sunshine even on the wettest day. In short I’m doing my best to do my bit and be grateful every single day for all that I have and all that I’m blessed with, in my book that makes everyday feel like summer .
Love as always sheila