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Sheila's Corner

Hello everyone,

Well summer was short and sweet. Know Autumn has descended in all its russet and gold glory, tumbling leaves and pumpkin spice scents softly carried on crisp October winds. Halloween and all its spooky wonder will have us all grabbing our stripy stockings and reaching for the pumpkin carver, but this autumn my thoughts are travelling to the spirit world. 

Loosing my mum and understanding loss through a spiritual perspective can sometimes make us think that because we know without doubt there is more after death and that our loved ones spirits are still with us, we forget that we still need to grieve and process the same as everyone else. 

This last 10 months has taught me that it’s one thing to help heal others and quite another to ask for help yourself. 

Having counselling to help me process my grief has been truly eye opening and has had a miraculous effect on me. Because of what I do for a living I have the blessing of knowing she is 100% happy and safe. One of the biggest joys of my life is (sometimes) being able to do the same for others grief, spirit willing! The important thing is for us all to realise that counselling is there for all - free through your G.P.  Spiritual healing is available, so please don’t feel alone and know you can always reach out and good people will always reach back with support, stay strong everyone love as always.


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