Sheila's Corner
Hello everyone,
I struggle to find the words to express my views for the New Year. We are all very aware of how challenging 2020 was for people across the globe, but I feel this last year has been one that has brought with it immense potential for personal growth. As more people have been working from home and have had the time to reconnect with families. More people are being active, exercising more, even when it was just to get out of the house but most importantly, I feel it’s been a time for people to look within. Perspectives have changed and priorities elevated. Many people are saying good riddance and they can’t wait to see the back of but I for one found this past year to be huge in terms of what I’ve learnt about myself and who I am and who I want to be! I am immensely sorry for people that have had loss but I am especially grateful for the lessons I’ve been able to learn. I have been made intensely aware of how many blessings I have, I’ve had the opportunity to connect with many new clients and the feeling of camaraderie has been spectacular. Hundreds of people have been renewing there collection of crystals. As well as the numbers of people being introduced to crystals for the first time to some and their amazing healing powers, energy clearing ability’s and meditations have all escalated.
So let’s start 2021 with purpose, let’s manifest the changes that we want but forever be grateful for the blessings that we have. Happy new year everyone, let’s start it as we mean to go on by simply being kind to ourselves and to everyone that we meet, because quite simply together we can overcome the impossible.
With love as always Sheila XXX