The Star
Keywords: Creativity, dreams, intuition, healing, spiritual path, rebirth, trust
A ethereal mermaid reaches for a shining star on the horizon of the ocean, a symbol of hope, healing, and renewal. The mermaid’s scales are purple, which symbolize intuition; he seaweed and water represent old emotions and the past, and their green color signifies healing and the heart chakra. The pentagram beside her signifies spiritual protection.
Meaning: Hope
You have worked through heartache and conflict, understood the lessons of these difficult experiences, and are now beginning to feel hope again. As you place your trust in the universe to protect you, the more the star guides you toward happier times. The card therefore reveals personal growth; through healing past issues you can be free from old patterns of relating, and feel more whole and fulfilled in the future. The Star is also a card of creativity, and offers great reassurance that you’re on the right path - so if you have been conflicted, suffering, or doubting your abilities, the Star in your reading is a sure sign that everything will be fine.
Follow your heart, and respect your inner knowing. Trust that the universe will bring you whatever you need.
The Moon
Keywords: The unconscious, doubt, decisions, dilemmas, crises, the past, fear
Two sea lions emerge from their ocean home, a full moon above them reflecting onto the dark waters of the ocean. Between them is a crayfish, symbol of the soul, reaching out toward the magical moonlight. The sea lions symbolize fear and the unknown, and the crayfish must overcome this fear in order to make progress. Will he stay in his comfort zone, or venture into the moonlight?
Meaning: Illusion
The Moon sees you questioning what you see: can you see beyond and illusion when doubt and confusion threaten to overwhelm you? A situation or relationship may seem appealing under the romantic light of the moon, but will it stand the test of time? Your intuition may be telling you that everything is not as it seems. An additional meaning of the card is that hidden fears and old memories surface as you work through an emotional block.
Give yourself time to work out the best way forward. Your intuition holds the answer - pay attention to its messages through feelings and dreams, rather than rely on a logical approach to a problem.
1) Now I would like you to combine your cards, working with them together. Get in touch with their vibrations and meanings.
2) when you feel read combine all the Tarot cards that you have worked with together. Get a feel of all these cards.