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Oceanic Tarot Course - Twos - Week 3

Every week i will help you to connect to the Tarot. This week we look at the Minor Arcana Cards starting with the Twos. First open your Chakras, then pick out the twos from the deck and start to feel the energy of the twos working. The number two vibration should make you feel balanced, unexpressed creativity, or cooperation. Place the cards in your hands, feeling the energy; get a sense for the number Two cards.

Twos: Partnership


Pick out the twos from the deck and start to feel the energy of the twos working. The number two vibration should make you feel balanced, unexpressed creativity, or cooperation. Place the cards in your hands, feeling the energy; get a sense for the number 2 cards.

Two of Cups

Remove the 2 of Cups. The 2 of Cups would bring a great start to a new love or friendship. Could mean good communication between two people. Also the bringing together of kindness or thoughtfulness binding two hearts together. Expect a gift, a surprise or joyous event.

Keywords: Soul mates, karma, love, intimacy, connection, healing, union

Meaning: Partnership This card predicts love, equality, and a meeting of hearts and minds, which benefits all your relationships, from friendships to romance. It also reveals a commitment or promise, such as an engagement or marriage, or an emotional investment in a shared project. This is also a healing card, so if your relationship has tested you recently, it reveals that all will be well. You can also expect someone close to you to show their love – know that they are trustworthy and dependable.

Advice: Appreciate love and trust in your relationships.

Two of Pentacles

Remove the 2 of Pentacles. The 2 of Pentacles means you are trying to cope with two situations. You must make a decision. Means you have stamina and strong characteristics. Don't let change disturb you. You may receive acknowledgement, a small amount of money or a gift.

Keywords: Choices, property, finances, balance, judgment, contracts, detail

Meaning: Options This Two shows a decision is underway. You’re considering your options, rehearsing all the possible outcomes, rather than taking action. The choice may concern jobs, places to study, potential homes, or where to travel. In personal finances, there are demands on your resources, so you may find yourself juggling income and expenditure in order to balance the books.

Advice: Pay attention to the detail of any financial agreements or offers. Look for the long-term benefits, rather than go for short-term gain.

Two of Cups of Swords

Remove the 2 of Swords. The 2 of Swords brings you to a cross roads that only you can change. This may bring confusion to your life; there will be many new choices to make. It could mean you need a new approach to a problem or situation. There will be emotions tied in with this decision. Also could designate a success in some venture and unsureness about the next step. Try to stay focused, as the problems will lift.

Keywords: Doubt, uncertainty, stalemate, indecision, stuckness, disconnection, blocks

Meaning: Crossroads
You are at a crossroads, and there is a decision to be made. The two sharks signify tension and indecision; locked in conflict, neither can win, as their power appears to be equal. This situation may, or may not be of your own making; your perspective is blocked, or there's an obvious clue that you are not seeing.

Advice: Look again; take a fresh angle. Any action or decision is better than none. This is a great opportunity for a breakthrough in your thinking.

Two of Wands

Remove the 2 of Wands. The 2 of Wands would designate a sign of achievement in business or in plans made. It would also denote ability and foresight, with a future looking good. Could be a possible business partnership. There could be an important paper, like a contract or letter.

Keywords: Partnership, creativity, communication, travel, planning, education, inspiration

Meaning: Vision The Two highlights romance and partnerships, so you may meet a new partner, or hook up with another like-minded soul to pursue new projects in or out of the workplace. This meeting of minds will bring you rewards as you broaden your horizons and see just what you could achieve. In education, you find the right course or teacher to inspire you to hone your skills or nurture your interests.

Advice: Look for those around you who share your vision. Work together for great results.


1) Now I would like you to combine the Twos. Work with them together. Get in touch with their vibrations and meanings.

2) when you feel read combine all the Tarot cards that you have worked with together. Get a feel of all these cards.

See you for next week 

When finished with your Tarot Cards, please close your Chakras.

The Oceanic Tarot


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