New Moon in Pisces by Kate May
The new moon in Pisces is on March 6th 2019. New moons as always path the way for new ideas and new beginnings. I will be adding to my Altar, a few tarot cards that represent my intention. For me Pisces sits in my 2nd house, so I will be focusing on this new energy within my finances and values area. Have a look in your birth chart to see where about s yours sit.
As all new moons are connected to new beginnings, new ideas, new thought – with this in Pisces it is asking you dream, dream new ideas, dream new beginnings, dream big! Trust your intuition even more so with this moon, pay attention to your dreams, now would be a great time to keep a dream diary. Turn your dreams into reality with the law of attraction and the strong cosmic power this week.
Think about what you are dreaming of, where you want your dreams to be realised. The new moon in Pisces is also about your hidden fears, secrets and hidden influences. Its about what we don’t want to admit, be liberated from these secrets, dig deep and set them free.
With Neptune so close and as the ruler of pisces, the energy is great for anything on the mystical realms or the subconscious, look out for joining spiritual organisations or getting together with friends with your tarot cards!
This new Moon will be charged with a number of planetary influences. the moon sits comfortably close to its ruler Neptune, which in turn, will heighten our intuition and compassion even more so.
The tarot card associated for pisces for me is the Moon. The Moon card is full of illusions, delusions and higher conscious thoughts. It is the card of subconscious feelings, and where you may feel over whelmed, and extra sensitive. Things may be bought to light, emotions come out of hiding.
Have a look at your Tarot or Angel Cards and see..
- What is the potential unfoldment coming up with new moon
- What hidden influences do you need to leave behind
- Where should be, your new focus
- How best to make your dreams a reality
- New Moons Mystic Message
Mystic Blessings Kate May x