New Aries Moon
The Aries new moon falls on the 11th or 12th of April depending on your time zone. As with all new moons, the energy is about new things and stirring up new thoughts, new ideas, a new approach to things, intention setting & Manifestation. Under this new moon our ability to draw in what we desire is highlighted.
As Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, there is an urgent start to the new beginnings, have you been feeling a little tetchy? Not knowing why? This could be the reason.
New moons have a way of stirring us into action, but the new moon in Aries really lights a fire under us! As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is super-charged with the energy of new beginnings, and when the sun and moon meet up in this cardinal fire sign, it’s like hitting the cosmic reset button. More than any other new moon of the year, this one has the potential to spark some major change. Be mindful you are attracting what you need, keeping positive and not focusing on negative as that can also be amplified now
Aries evokes the energy of our inner warrior so as we approach this new moon it’s a great time to confront our fears & do that which scares us most to reclaim our personal power
Moving into excitable Aries, with warrior mars as its ruler, we have no or less fear now. If there is something you have been trying to get off the ground, or planning to do, now is a great time for you to take that action, that next step. Be brave, Be daring. Know what you want and go for it!
With its quick-thinking sensibilities, Aries is great at putting out fires, but its tendency to act and speak without thinking make it just as likely to fan the flames. Use your words with kindness, don’t rush into things you may later regret doing or saying.
With this particular new moon we have Venus, Mercury, Sun, moon, and Chiron all in Aries, making this super powerful and fiery. Use the energy as a positive, get things done, motivate your desires, move forward in your life, remove the stagnant energy behind and realign with your new you.
Aries governs the first house in Astrology, yourself, and how others see you, a great time for reinventing yourself and shouting about who you really are with no shame. You may be wanting a complete make over, God knows most of us need a good haircut of visit to the nail bar! Maybe we have over looked our life styles during this last year in lock down, this is a great time for getting back on the fitness trail. Depending on what house your Aries and moon sit in within Astrology, that’s the main focus of your new intent. Whatever area you are naturally drawn for a re vamp, it will probably fall there. Mine is my 4th house for both so home decorating & family connections. It could easily be any area though, finances, relationships, health. Check in and see where you are drawn intuitively to shape up now.
The influence of Pluto with Venus this month may get you questioning your love life, or your love of yourself and where you chose to put your energy now. Pluto and Venus energy may heighten all emotions now, so do remember to nourish your soul and don’t be put off if you’re feeling extra sensitive now
Use this time to give yourself a kick into actioning how you want to be and who you want to with
Things to think about this new moon…
What areas do I need a fresh start
What have I been putting off
With this extra energy, where best shall I put it
What no longer serves me
How can I motivate myself more
How can I be the best me I deserve now
What can I do to bring in new beginnings and posi tive energy
Exercise and anything energetic would be great now
Aries rules the Emperor Tarot card in Tarot – The emperor is both controlled and assertive, he supports those who need to bring order and boundaries into their life. He brings mastery over actions and encourages you to support yourself and take charge of your own destiny.
On alters you may want to put citrinecrystals for energy, Diamond connects to Aries, although you may not have a spare few of them floating around! Fid a photo of yourself where you are feeling confident, strong in control and happy. I like to use a mix of tarot cards to inspire the manifestation at this time such as the emperor, perhaps the Ace of pentacles for new money, or the king of pentacles for financial security or for love perhaps the lovers card and the 10 of cups. Use your intuition to pull the cards of the energy you want to activate. You may like you write some affirmations or what it is your desire from this new moon. A red or yellow candle works well with Aries new moon, red for passion, yellow for creative influences
Have a magical New Aries Moon
Mystic blessings
Kate May xx