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Naz's Crystal Horoscopes 30th July - 5th August 2017

Aries: Petrified Wood

With a rich and captivating history, this enchanting crystal is often associated with the Greek Mother Goddess, Dione - who is thought to have selflessly nursed her daughter back to health after she was attacked by an evil warrior! Like this brave goddess' beloved daughter - who was so utterly distraught by the pain and suffering inflicted on her - this stunning crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling very saddened by someone's cruel and thoughtless behaviour this week.

Taurus: Lepidolite

Known as the 'stone of peace and reconciliation', this spellbinding crystal has enchanted people's hearts and minds from as far back as the 18th century, and is synonymous with the beautiful lilac flower it was originally named after. Like these beautiful flowers - which are so often the first to bloom and blossom - this stunning crystal symbolises the start of a new and truly wonderful relationship in your life this week. Hold one by your chest, and Cupid will do the rest.

Gemini: Ruby

Prized for its bewitching powers for centuries, this enchanting crystal was highly revered by the Ancient Indians, who lovingly called the gem 'Ratnanayaka', meaning 'lord of the gemstones'. Like these spellbinding crystals - which are thought to lose their colour and hide their shimmer to protect us from danger - you may find yourself wanting to help and protect someone who's lost their sparkle this week. Send them your love by placing one of these crystals by their photo.

Cancer: Spinel

Bewitching the hearts of some of the world's greatest icons - from King Henry VIII, to ancient kings and emperors - this captivating crystal is thought to have been one of Prince Edward of Woodstock's favourite crystals, and is even thought to have been gifted to the young prince as a reward for defeating his enemies in battle! Like this prince - who's insatiable hunger for success and victory left many outraged by his cruelty - you may find yourself paying the price for a mistake this week.

Leo: Amazonite

Symbolising truth and bravery, this beautiful crystal is synonymous with the Babylonian Mother Goddess, Tiamat - who is thought to have been brutally murdered by her own children! Like this courageous goddess - who is often depicted as a serpent or dragon - this stunning crystal suggests someone around you could surprise you with their shady behaviour this week. Symbolising a snake in the grass around you, it encourages you to be extra careful who you trust this week.

Virgo: Heliotrope

This stunning crystal is synonymous with the story of a young girl called Clytia - who fell in love with the Sun God, Apollo. Sadly, her love was unrequited, and the girl - heartbroken by his love for another - revealed their affair to her father, leading to the girl's murder. Seeking forgiveness, she's said to have watched him pass the sun each day, until the gods turned her into a Heliotrope flower. As such, it suggests you may find yourself seeking someone's forgiveness too this week.

Libra: Spirit Quartz

Often referred to as 'Cactus Quartz', this beautiful crystal is often associated with the enchanting cactus plant it was originally named after. Like these bewitching plants - which can bloom and flourish in the harshest of climates - this captivating crystal suggests you may need to adapt to someone's changing moods and unpredictable behaviour this week. Shield yourself from their irritability - and protect your sanity! - by keeping one of these stunning crystals nearby.

Scorpio: Apophyllite

This enchanting crystal is often associated with the Goddess of Light, Yhi - who is thought to have brightened the world with her radiant light, and warmed the hearts of everyone in sight. Like this beautiful goddess - whose kindness and warmth is thought to have melted the frostiest of hearts - this bewitching crystal suggests someone around you may seem a little cold or distant this week. Wave their hostility goodbye - and keep your spirits high - by keeping an Apophyllite nearby.

Sagittarius: Selenite

Like this powerful crystal - which is thought to be one of only two crystals in the world with the power to cleanse the almighty Quartz crystal - this magical crystal suggests someone around you may need your undivided attention this week. Meaningful heart to hearts with friends, colleagues and family members are all likely, and you may find yourself feeling like your social circle's answer to Oprah! Embrace your inner-Tricia by placing one by your favourite guru's picture!

Capricorn: Rose Quartz

This pretty crystal is synonymous with the Goddess of Love, Aphrodite - who is said to have fallen in love with the God, Adonis. Sadly, the young lovers were tragically torn apart, and the Goddess - heartbroken when her beloved was killed by an evil ex - is thought to have cut herself as she rushed to save him. Her blood is said to have been turned into crystals by the gods, forming what we now know as Rose Quartz. As such, it suggests someone may hurt you with their actions too this week.

Aquarius: Howlite

Like this mesmerising crystal - which is so easily dyed to resemble other crystals - this enchanting crystal suggests someone around you may try to colour your thoughts about another person this week. Shocking revelations about friends, colleagues and family members can all be expected, and you may find yourself questioning who you can really trust. Leave your worries behind - and cast your fears aside - by keeping a beautiful Howlite crystal by your side.

Pisces: Lapis Lazuli

This beautiful crystal is synonymous with the Goddess of the Night Sky, Nuit - who is thought to have been so devoted to helping others through their dark times, she wore a dark cloak adorned with magical stars to guide them wherever she went! Like this selfless goddess - who spent her days and nights protecting others - this enchanting crystal suggests someone around you may need your help and support this week. Keep their spirits high by keeping a Lapis Lazuli nearby.

For more information about crystals, order Naz's crystal book, The Essential Guide to Crystals

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