Naz’s crystal horoscopes 7th - 13th October 2018
Aries: Aventurine
Bewitching the world with its spellbinding properties for centuries, this beautiful crystal suggests you could hear some really exciting news this week. Bonuses, pay rises and promotions can all be expected, and there could be an amazing opportunity for you to travel abroad - and make some extra cash - too! Celebrate all the luck and happiness around you by keeping an Aventurine in your left pocket, or simply placing one in your home or work place.
Taurus: Citrine
Known as a stone of abundance, this enchanting crystal has captured people’s hearts for centuries, and is thought to be one of Adele’s favourite crystals! Synonymous with love and joy, it suggests you may find yourself feeling really empowered by someone around you this week. Deep and meaningful conversations with friends, colleagues and random strangers may leave you feeling very inspired, and you may find yourself feeling very creative too!
Gemini: Tiger’s Eye
Like the beautiful animal it’s named after - which is so often overshadowed by the ‘king of the jungle’ (the lion) - this enchanting crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling slightly intimidated by someone around you this week. Overly confident behaviour from friends, colleagues and family members may leave you feeling very frustrated, and you may find yourself feeling slightly threatened by someone’s popularity with others too.
Cancer: Pyrite
Often referred to as ‘fool’s gold’ - due to its uncanny resemblance to real gold - this stunning crystal suggests someone could try to take advantage of your kind nature this week. Unreasonable requests from friends, love interests and family members (particularly ones connected to money) may leave you feeling very unsettled, and someone could ask you to keep a secret for them too. Protect yourself from their negativity by keeping a Pyrite nearby.
Leo: Clear Quartz
This mesmerising crystal has enchanted people’s hearts and minds for centuries, and has bewitched the hearts of everyone - from artists and jewellers, to geologists and healers. Known as the ‘master healer’, it suggests the bond between you and a friend, colleague or loved one could become much stronger this week. Nurture the love and trust between you by placing a Clear Quartz by a photo of the two of you together, or buying them a piece as a gift.
Virgo: Amethyst
Symbolising love, family and protection, this stunning crystal suggests you may need to protect a friend or loved one from a very manipulative person around them this week. Difficult - but necessary - conversations with friends and family members may leave you feeling very drained, and you may need to stand your ground with a very controlling person around you - or a loved one - too. Keep your spirits high by keeping an Amethyst nearby.
Libra: Moonstone
Like the beautiful moon it’s named after - which so selflessly shares its light with the world - this stunning crystal suggests you may need to apologise to a friend or loved one for a thoughtless comment this week. Cold or slightly withdrawn behaviour from friends and colleagues may leave you feeling slightly paranoid, and you may need to be very careful what you say around a very two faced person you know too. Calm your heart and mind by holding a Moonstone by your heart.
Scorpio: Garnet
Known as a stone of passion and love, this stunning crystal suggests you may find yourself attracting some very flattering attention this week. Heartwarming compliments from friends, colleagues and random strangers may leave you feeling really happy, and someone you love could surprise you with a very thoughtful gesture too. Celebrate all the love and happiness around you - and keep it coming to you - by placing a Garnet in your bedroom.
Sagittarius: Turquoise
Synonymous with love, friendship and good fortune, this mesmerising crystal has captured the hearts of some of the world’s greatest icons, and was highly prized by the ancient Persians. Signifying a very special friendship, it suggests you may need to reach out to a friend, colleague or loved one for their help and support this week. Nurture the bond between you by placing a Turquoise crystal by a photo of you together, or sending them one as a gift.
Capricorn: Amazonite
Known as a stone of inner strength and courage, this mesmerising crystal suggests there could be a power struggle between you and a friend, colleague or loved one this week. Competitive behaviour from friends and family members may leave you feeling very unsettled, and there could be a heated exchange between you and a friend too. Protect yourself from their bad vibes and negative energy by keeping an Amazonite nearby.
Aquarius: Pink Moss Agate
Symbolising love and healing, this beautiful crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling very worried about a friend or family member this week. Heartbreaking messages from friends, colleagues and loved ones may leave you feeling very tearful, and you may find yourself feeling slightly wary of someone around you too. Nurture your heart and mind by keeping a Pink Moss Agate by your side, or holding one by your heart each night.
Pisces: Mangano Calcite
Synonymous with inner peace and healing, this stunning crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling very vulnerable this week. Painful memories from the past and hurtful comments from friends or family members may leave you feeling very tearful, and there could be a heated exchange between you and an ex partner too. Protect yourself from their spiteful words and negativity - and bathe your heart in love and serenity - by holding a Mangano Calcite by your heart, or placing one by a photo of yourself as a child.
For more information about crystals, order Naz's crystal book, The Essential Guide to Crystals