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Naz’s crystal horoscopes 31st March - 6th April 2019

Aries: Garnet
This stunning crystal is often associated with the heartwarming story of a young goddess, who was abducted into the Underworld by an evil god. Mourning the loss of her daughter, her heartbroken mother is thought to have tirelessly searched for her daughter, and was overjoyed when a kind-hearted goddess reunited her with her daughter. Symbolising love, it suggests someone could surprise you with their kindness too this week. 

Taurus: Sardonyx
Synonymous with love and friendship, this mesmerising crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling slightly low this week. Rude or thoughtless behaviour from friends, family members and colleagues may leave you feeling very drained, and you may need to distance yourself from a very toxic environment too. Fill your heart with peace and serenity - and protect yourself from any bad vibes or negative energy - by keeping a Sardonyx in your home or work place.

Gemini: Turquoise
Thought to protect its wearer from jealousy, anger and danger, this enchanting crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling very frustrated with a friend or loved one’s competitive nature this week. Petty remarks from ‘friends’ and family members - and cold or snappy behaviour from people you love and trust - could leave you feeling very angry and confused, and you may need to distance yourself from a very one-sided friendship too. 

Cancer: Gemini
Known as a stone of courage, inner-strength and confidence, this beautiful crystal suggests you may need to overcome a fear of some kind this week. Challenging situations at work - and difficult conversations with loved ones - may leave you feeling very unsettled, and you may need to distance yourself from a very one-sided friendship too. Maximise your strength and courage by holding a Bloodstone by your heart, or simply keeping one with you each day.

Leo: Diamond
These beautiful crystals were highly prized by the ancient Greeks - who believed their God of Erotic Love (Cupid) would dip his arrows in diamonds before shooting them! Symbolising love, inner-belief and healing, it suggests you may find yourself feeling very empowered by someone’s faith in you this week. Powerful pep talks from friends and loved ones may leave you feeling very hopeful, and there could be some very exciting news about a pregnancy or engagement too!

Virgo: Selenite
Synonymous with the Greek Goddess of the Moon (Selene), this mesmerising crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling slightly suffocated by someone around you this week. Needy behaviour from friends, colleagues and family members may leave you feeling very frustrated, and someone’s constant whining could really drive you up the wall too! Prevent their negativity from draining your energy by keeping a Selenite in your home or work place. 

Libra: Mookite
Thought to lovingly calm our hearts and minds - and gently cast our worries aside - this captivating crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling slightly anxious this week. Worries about the future - and fears about losing the people you love - may leave you feeling very emotional, and you could find yourself feeling slightly annoyed with someone around you too. Wash away your sadness - and fill your heart with happiness - by keeping a Mookaite nearby.

Scorpio: Clear Quartz
This mesmerising crystal has enchanted people’s hearts and minds for centuries, and has bewitched the hearts of everyone - from artists and jewellers, to geologists and healers. Known as the ‘master healer’, it suggests the bond between you and a friend, colleague or loved one could become much stronger this week. Nurture the love and trust between you by placing a Clear Quartz by a photo of the two of you together, or buying them a piece as a gift.

Sagittarius: Opal
Prized for centuries, this mesmerising crystal has captivated the hearts of some of the world’s greatest icons, and is thought to have been one of Queen Victoria’s favourite crystals. In fact, the Queen was thought to have been so enchanted by the gem that she gave one to each of her daughters when they got married! Synonymous with second chances and love, it suggests someone from the past could re-enter your life this week.

Capricorn: Epidote
Taking its name from the Greek word ‘epidosis’, meaning ‘to increase’, this spellbinding crystal suggests there could be an exciting opportunity for you to boost your bank balance this week. Unexpected promotions, pay rises and exciting new business ideas are all likely, and someone you love and respect could surprise you with a very generous gift too! Keep your spirits high by placing an Epidote crystal beside some money, or keeping one in your purse or handbag. 

Aquarius: Jade
Known as a stone of friendship, this mesmerising crystal is often associated with the infamous story of an ancient Chinese emperor - who is thought to have been so enchanted by the crystal, he offered to exchange eight cites for a nail-sized piece of it! Synonymous with love, it suggests a friend, boss or loved one could surprise you with a very generous offer too this week. Maximise your luck and good fortune by keeping a Jade crystal nearby.

Pisces: Lepidolite
Synonymous with self-love and healing, this mesmerising crystal suggests you may need to spend some time working on your confidence this week. Worries about the future - and insecurities about your appearance - may leave you feeling very drained, and a thoughtless comment from someone you love could really play on your mind too. Leave their bad vibes and negativity behind by holding a Lepidolite by your heart, or placing one under your pillow.

For more information about crystals, order Naz's crystal book, Crystal Clear, at

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