Naz’s Crystal Horoscopes
Aries: Charoite Taking its name from the Russian word ‘chary’, meaning magic, this bewitching crystal has enchanted the world with its spellbinding beauty since the early 20th century. Discovered in Eastern Siberia (in an area thought to be rife with political prisoners), it’s often associated with the Hindu Goddess of Words, Vac - who is synonymous with writing and words. Symbolising love and forgiveness, it suggests you could receive a heartfelt message from a loved one this week.
Taurus: Crocoite Like these stunning crystals - which are so often found in clusters - this beautiful crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling slightly excluded by a group of people around you this week. Private gatherings between friends, colleagues and family members may leave you feeling slightly paranoid, and someone you thought you could trust could upset you with their thoughtless comments too. Wave their negativity goodbye by keeping a Crocoite nearby.
Gemini: Emerald Prized for centuries, this captivating crystal was highly revered by the ancient Romans, who believed the gems would naturally grow darker, the more they grew older. Like these enchanting crystals - which were thought to mature and grow older - this enchanting crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling very frustrated with a friend, colleague or loved one’s childish behaviour this week. Prevent their immaturity from leaving you weary by keeping an Emerald nearby.
Cancer: Sunstone With a rich and magical history - steeped in myth and mystery - this mesmerising crystal has enchanted people’s hearts and minds for centuries, and is often associated with the Welsh Goddess of Wisdom, Cerridwen. Like this beautiful goddess - who is thought to have been utterly heartbroken when her beloved son was overshadowed by his brighter sister - this stunning crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling slightly overshadowed by someone around you too this week.
Leo: Celestite This enchanting crystal is often associated with the heartbreaking story of seven sisters (known as the Pleiades) - who were rescued from an evil predator by a kind-hearted god. Seeking to protect them from danger, he’s thought to have turned the sisters into a constellation of beautiful stars - resembling the crystal we now know as Celestite. Synonymous with wisdom, it suggests a friend, colleague or loved one could try to protect you from someone’s toxic behaviour too this week.
Virgo: Sodalite Known as the ‘stone of communication’, this mesmerising crystal has bewitched the world with its beauty since the early 19th century, and is thought to have been one of Princess Margaret’s favourite crystals. Symbolising truth, it suggests there could be a misunderstanding between you and a friend, family member or colleague this week. Protect yourself from their negativity - and bathe your heart in love and serenity - by keeping a Sodalite nearby.
Libra: Smithsonite Like these beautiful crystals - which are so often used as ornaments to impress others - this stunning crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling slightly used by someone around you this week. Unreasonable demands from friends, colleagues and family members may leave you feeling very frustrated, and someone’s greedy behaviour could really test your patience too. Prevent their negativity from leaving you teary by keeping a Smithsonite nearby.
Scorpio: Mangano Calcite Thought to lovingly heal the child within - and help us see and appreciate the beauty within - this enchanting crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling very vulnerable this week. Painful memories from childhood could leave you feeling very emotional, and a thoughtless comment from someone you love and admire could really upset you too. Keep your spirit high by keeping a Mangano Calcite nearby.
Sagittarius: Garnet Thought to change colour to protect its wearer from evil and danger, this beautiful crystal suggests you may see a darker side to someone around you this week. Unexpected behaviour from friends, colleagues and loved ones may leave you feeling very unsettled, and a shocking revelation about someone you know could really play on your mind too. Protect yourself from their negativity and drama - and leave the rest to karma - by keeping a Garnet nearby.
Capricorn: Opal This enchanting crystal has captivated people’s hearts and minds with its beauty for centuries, but sadly had its reputation tarnished in the late 18th century - when a series of catastrophic events (including the plague) led many to believe it was unlucky. Fortunately, the gem’s reputation was eventually redeemed when Queen Victoria fell in love with the crystal. Symbolising truth, it suggests you could find yourself feeling very misunderstood by someone around you too this week.
Aquarius: Lepidolite Synonymous with love, healing and serenity, this beautiful crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling very anxious this week. Misunderstandings with friends and family members may leave you feeling very isolated, and there could be a fiery exchange between you and a loved one too. Nurture your heart and mind - and leave your worries behind - by keeping a Lepidolite close by, or holding one by your heart.
Pisces: Fuschite Symbolising happiness, joy and laughter, this captivating crystal suggests there could be some exciting news about a friend, colleague or family member this week. Pregnancies, engagements and promotions can all be expected, and you could see a softer side to someone around you too. Celebrate the love around you - and nurture the bonds between you - by keeping a Fuschite nearby, or placing one by a photo of you and your loved ones.
For more information about crystals, order Naz's crystal book, The Essential Guide to Crystals