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Naz’s Crystal Horoscopes

Aries: Smoky Quartz 

Prized for centuries, this beautiful crystal is often associated with the Greek Goddess of the Underworld, Hecates – who is often depicted as an old witch stirring a magical cauldron! Like this powerful goddess – who was renowned for her knowledge of herbs and plants – this mesmerising crystal suggests you could hear some shocking gossip about a friend, colleague or family member’s shady behaviour this week.

Taurus: Pyrite

With a rich and magical history – dating back to 50 AD. – this stunning crystal has enchanted people’s hearts and minds for centuries, and is often referred to as ‘Fool’s Gold’ (due to its uncanny resemblance to the stone). Synonymous with the Egyptian God of the Underworld, Osiris – who is often depicted with green skin – this bewitching crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling very unsettled by a loved one’s competitive behaviour this week.

Gemini: Morganite

Discovered in the early 20th century, this mesmerising crystal was originally known as ‘Pink Beryl’, but was later renamed by one of the world’s leading gemologists (George Kunz) – who lovingly named the gem after his friend, J.P. Morgan. Symbolising love and joy, it suggests a friend or loved one could surprise you with a thoughtful gesture too this week. Nurture the bond between you – and celebrate their love for you – by keeping a Morganite nearby.

Cancer: Diamond

Capturing the hearts of everyone – from queens and actresses, to singers and goddesses – these stunning crystals have bewitched the world with their beauty for centuries, and were once thought to be the sacred tears of gods and goddesses. Synonymous with the Greek Goddess of Love, Venus – who was renowned for her many lovers and admirers – this beautiful crystal suggests you could find yourself feeling very torn between two people around you too this week.

Leo: Citrine

Known as the ‘Stone of Abundance’, this spellbinding crystal is thought to help with everything – from boosting your career and attracting money, to lifting your mood and protecting your family! Symbolising love and contentment, it suggests there could be some exciting news about a friend or family member this week. Pregnancies, engagements and wedding invitations can all be expected, and some unexpected money could come your way too.

Virgo: Ruby
Taking its name from the Latin word ‘ruber’, meaning ‘red’, this stunning crystal has captured the hearts of some of the world’s greatest icons, and is thought to have been one of Elizabeth Taylor’s favourite crystals. Often associated with the Egyptian Goddess of War and Destruction, Sekhmet – whose name is thought to mean ‘powerful one’ – it suggests there could be a power struggle between you and a friend or colleague this week.

Libra: Sardonyx
Symbolising love, friendship and protection, this mesmerising crystal was highly prized by the ancient Romans and Egyptians, who would often engrave the gems with images of their gods and goddesses. Synonymous with the Roman God of War, Mars – who was renowned for his difficult nature – this beautiful crystal suggests there could be a fiery exchange between you and a very difficult individual this week.

Scorpio: Blue Topaz
This stunning crystal has enchanted the world with its spellbinding beauty for centuries, and is often associated with the Hindu Goddess of the Sky, Aditi – whose name is thought to mean ‘the unbounded one’. Like this selfless goddess – who is thought to have spent her lifetime loving and mothering others – this beautiful crystal suggests you may find yourself wanting to ‘mother’ someone around you too this week.

Sagittarius: Hematite 

Known as a stone of bravery, this powerfully protective crystal was highly prized by the ancient Egyptians, who believed the gem would watch over them (like a guardian angel) and protect them from danger. Adored by ancient warriors – who would often crush the gems into little pieces and use them as war paint! – this enchanting crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling very drained by someone’s constant need for drama this week.

Capricorn: Chrysoprase
Like this beautiful crystal – which is so often mistaken for Emerald – this enchanting crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling very undervalued by someone around you this week. Ungrateful behaviour from friends, colleagues and family members may leave you feeling very unappreciated, and someone’s cold or distant behaviour could really unsettle you too. Wave their negativity goodbye by keeping a Chrysoprase nearby.

Aquarius: Angelite

Encouraging us to see and appreciate the beauty within – and helping us love and accept the moment we’re in – this beautiful crystal is thought to lovingly nurture our hearts and minds – and help us leave our fears behind. Often associated with the Greek Goddess of Recovery, Iaso – who is thought to have spent her lifetime helping others – it suggests you may find yourself wanting to help or support someone around you too this week.

Pisces: Black Obsidian

With a fascinating history – dating back to the 18th century – this powerfully protective crystal is thought to help with everything (from lifting your mood and protecting you from envy, to helping you lose weight and banishing negativity!). Taking its name from the Sinhalese word ‘turamali’, meaning ‘something small from the earth’, it suggests you may find yourself feeling slightly intimidated by someone around you this week.

For more information about crystals, order Naz's crystal book, The Essential Guide to Crystals


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