Naz’s crystal horoscopes 2nd - 8th December 2018
Aries: Pink Chalcedony
With a rich and magical history, this mesmerising crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling very positive about the future this week. Precious moments with friends and loved ones - and fun nights out with people you love - may leave you feeling really happy, and there could be an instant connection between you and a new person around you too. Celebrate all the love and happiness around you by keeping a Pink Chalcedony nearby.
Taurus: Peridot
Synonymous with the Hawaiian Goddess of Volcanoes, Pele, this stunning crystal suggests there could be a personality clash between you and a female friend, colleague or family member this week. Misunderstandings with close-minded individuals - and heated exchanges with Ioved ones - may leave you feeling very frustrated, and you may find yourself snapping at a very negative person around you too. Protect yourself from their negativity by keeping a Peridot nearby.
Gemini: Tiger’s Eye
Known as a stone of confidence, courage and protection, this beautiful crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling slightly intimidated by someone around you this week. Overly confident behaviour from friends, colleagues and loved ones may leave you feeling slightly unsettled, and there could be a power struggle between two people around you too. Wave their bad vibes and negativity goodbye by keeping a Tiger’s Eye in your home or work place.
Cancer: Lapis Lazuli
Synonymous with truth and honesty, this enchanting crystal suggests you may need to have a very honest conversation with someone you love this week. Deep and meaningful heart-to-hearts with friends and partners may leave you feeling very emotional, and there could be a shocking revelation from someone around you too. Nurture the bonds around you by placing a Lapis Lazuli beside a photo of you and your loved ones, or holding one by your heart.
Leo: Sapphire
Bewitching people’s hearts and minds for centuries, this beautiful crystal is thought to have been one of Princess Diana’s favourite crystals. Symbolising love and honesty, it suggests you may need to help a friend or loved one through a very difficult time this week. Late night calls from friends, colleagues and family members may leave you feeling slightly drained, and you may find yourself feeling very irritable too. Keep your spirits high by keeping a Sapphire nearby.
Virgo: Dumortierite
With a magical history - dating back to the late 19th century - this enchanting crystal suggests you may need to stand your ground with someone around you this week. Controlling behaviour from friends, partners and family members may leave you feeling very suffocated, and you may need to have a very difficult conversation with someone you love too. Surround yourself with love and protection - and fill your heart with peace and affection - by keeping a Dumortierite nearby.
Libra: Dalmatian Jasper
Like the beautiful animal it’s named after - which is renowned for its loyalty and kindness - this enchanting crystal suggests you may need to distance yourself from a very one-sided friendship this week. Selfish behaviour from friends and colleagues may leave you feeling very frustrated, and someone you love could surprise you with a very selfless gesture too. Protect yourself from any bad vibes or negativity by keeping a Dalmatian Jasper in your bedroom.
Scorpio: Turquoise
This enchanting crystal is thought to help with everything - from boosting your confidence and attracting money, to nurturing your friendships and protecting your family. Thought to break into pieces to protect its wearer from deceit and danger, it suggests a friend or loved one could ‘break’ the trust between you this week. Prevent their lies and deceit from making you weep by keeping a Turquoise in your home or work place, or wearing one each day.
Sagittarius: Celestine
Thought to gently calm our bodies and minds, this stunning crystal suggests a friend or loved one could give you some really helpful advice this week. Heartwarming messages - and unconditional love and support - from the people you love may leave you feeling very empowered, and you could have a very spooky experience too! Fill your heart with love and positivity - and wash away any bad vibes or negativity - by keeping a Celestine in your bedroom.
Capricorn: Jade
This beautiful crystal has enchanted the world with its bewitching properties for centuries, and was highly prized by the ancient Chinese - who nicknamed the gem ‘Yu’, meaning ‘royal gem’. Synonymous with integrity, it’s often associated with the story of a ruthless Chinese King - who is thought to have offered to exchange 15 cities for a tiny piece of Jade! As such, it suggests someone could try to buy your love or forgiveness with a gift this week.
Aquarius: Sardonyx
Combining the powers of two of the world’s most beautiful crystals (Onyx and Orange Carnelian), this stunning crystal has captured the hearts of everyone – from queens and princesses, to earls and actresses – for centuries, and is thought to have been one of Queen Elizabeth I’s favourite crystals. Synonymous with friendship and protection, it suggests there could be a misunderstanding between you and a friend this week.
Pisces: Chrysocolla
This beautiful crystal is often associated with the Goddess of Wisdom Sophia - who is thought to have been so devoted to loving and helping humans, she sacrificed her life as a goddess to live with them. Sadly - despite her best efforts to befriend them - they ignored her, and the goddess (heartbroken by their cruelty), fled the earth in anguish. As such, it suggests you may need to distance yourself from someone who's been taking your kindness for granted too this week.
For more information about crystals, order Naz's crystal book, The Essential Guide to Crystals