Naz’s crystal horoscopes 24th - 30th March 2019
Aries: Jade
Enchanting people’s hearts and minds for centuries, this stunning crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling very torn between two - equally wonderful - options this week. New work opportunities, love interests and travel options may leave you feeling very conflicted, and there could be a declaration of love from a friend or colleague too! Keep your spirits high - and wave your worries goodbye - by keeping a Jade crystal nearby, or placing one in your home or work place.
Taurus: Heliotrope
Like the beautiful flower it’s named after - which so devotedly twists and turns to face the sun (like a sunflower) - this magical crystal is often associated with the heartbreaking story of a young girl, who fell in love with the Sun God, Helios. Bewitched by his beauty, she’s thought to have watched him pass the Sun each day, until she eventually turned into a Heliotrope flower. Synonymous with love, it suggests you may find yourself missing someone too this week.
Gemini: Pearl
This bewitching crystal has enchanted the world with its beauty from as far back as the 5th century, and is often associated with the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra - who is thought to have dissolved one of her pearl earrings in a glass of wine and drank it to prove she could consume the wealth of a nation in one meal! Symbolising love and loyalty, it suggests you may find yourself feeling very frustrated with someone’s rude or arrogant behaviour this week.
Cancer: Mangano Calcite
Thought to gently heal our hearts and minds - and help us leave our worries behind - this stunning crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling very empowered by someone around you this week. Deep and meaningful conversations with friends, colleagues and loved ones may leave you feeling very inspired, and you may find yourself feeling really positive about the future too. Maximise your joy and positivity by keeping a Mangano Calcite in your home.
Leo: Lapis Lazuli
Known as the 'stone of truth', this beautiful crystal is believed to have been one of Catherine the Great's favourite crystals. In fact, she was thought to have been so enamoured by the crystal that she adorned an entire room in her palace with it! Encouraging you to say what you mean and mean what you say, it suggests you may need to express your true feelings to a love interest, partner or boss to get what you really want (and so truly deserve) this week.
Virgo: Moldavite
Taking its name from the Greek word ‘tektos’, meaning molten, this enchanting crystal suggests you may see a softer side to a very outspoken individual around you this week. Heartwarming conversations with friends, colleagues and family members may leave you feeling slightly emotional, and you could hear some shocking gossip about a friend, colleague or love interest from the past too. Keep your spirits high by keeping a Moldavite in your home, or holding one by your heart.
Libra: Desert Rose
Bewitching people’s hearts and minds for centuries, this stunning crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling slightly unappreciated by the people you love this week. Cold or distant behaviour from friends, family members and partners may leave you feeling very tearful, and someone’s childish behaviour could really test your patience too. Protect yourself from their negative energy by placing a Desert Rose by your photo, or keeping one in your home or work place.
Scorpio: Beryl
Synonymous with happiness, this beautiful crystal has enchanted the world with its magical properties for centuries, and is thought to be one of the most valuable crystals in the world. Encouraging us to see and appreciate our own beauty and value, it suggests you may need to distance yourself from a friend or loved one who’s always putting you down - or criticising your behaviour - this week. Wave their negativity goodbye by keeping a Beryl nearby.
Sagittarius: Green Aventurine
Taking its name from the Italian words ‘a ventura’, meaning ‘by chance’, this stunning crystal is thought to help with everything - from attracting love and boosting your energy, to maximising your luck and protecting your family. Symbolising luck and good fortune, it suggests there could be some unexpected money coming your way this week. Bonuses and pay rises can both be expected, and someone may surprise you with a very generous gift too.
Capricorn: Garnet
Prized for centuries, this beautiful crystal is synonymous with the Greek Goddess of Harvest, Demeter - who is thought to have been utterly heartbroken when her beloved daughter (Persephone) was abducted into the Underworld by an evil god! Symbolising love and healing, it suggests you may need to help a friend or loved one through a dark time this week. Surround them with your love and positivity - and fill their heart with peace and serenity - by giving them a Garnet.
Aquarius: Turquoise
Enchanting people’s hearts and minds for centuries, this spellbinding crystal suggests you could hear some exciting news about a friend or loved one this week. Unexpected pregnancies, engagements and surprise visits are all likely, and there could be an exciting opportunity for you to travel abroad too!
Celebrate all the happiness around you by keeping a Turquoise in your home, or placing one by a photo of you and your loved ones.
Pisces: Dalmatian Jasper
Like the beautiful animal it’s named after - which is renowned for its loyalty and kindness - this enchanting crystal suggests you may need to distance yourself from a very one-sided friendship this week. Selfish behaviour from friends and colleagues may leave you feeling very frustrated, and someone you love could surprise you with a very selfless gesture too. Protect yourself from any bad vibes or negativity by keeping a Dalmatian Jasper in your bedroom.
For more information about crystals, order Naz's crystal book, Crystal Clear, at