Naz’s crystal horoscopes 1st - 7th July 2018
Aries: Aquamarine
These beautiful crystals have enchanted people’s hearts and minds for centuries, and were once thought to be the sacred jewels of mermaids and sea goddesses. Synonymous with the sea and water, this stunning crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling slightly tearful this week. Painful memories from the past - and deep and meaningful conversations with friends and loved ones - may leave you feeling slightly emotional, and you may need to distance yourself from a very selfish friend too.
Taurus: Rhodonite
Thought to help us leave the past behind us, this mesmerising crystal suggests you may need to forgive a friend or family member for their past mistakes this week. Heartfelt apologies from long lost friends, ex-partners and estranged family members can definitely be expected, and you may need to stand your ground with a very critical person around you too. Cast your worries behind - and calm your heart and mind - by keeping a Rhodonite nearby, or holding one by your heart.
Gemini: Moldavite
Taking its name from the Greek word ‘tektos’, meaning molten, this enchanting crystal suggests you may see a softer side to a very outspoken individual around you this week. Heartwarming conversations with friends, colleagues and family members may leave you feeling slightly emotional, and you could hear some shocking gossip about a friend, colleague or love interest from the past too. Keep your spirits high by keeping a Moldavite in your home, or holding one by your heart.
Cancer: Topaz
This mesmerising crystal has bewitched the world with its beauty for centuries, and is thought to take its name from the Sanskrit word ‘tapaz’, meaning fire. Symbolising strength, courage and bravery, it suggests there could be a fiery exchange between you and a loved one this week. Misunderstandings with friends, partners and family members may leave you feeling very angry, and you may need to distance yourself from a very toxic environment too.
Leo: Sunstone
This spellbinding crystal is often associated with the Egyptian Sun God, Ra - who is thought to have been one of the most powerful gods in the world. Symbolising strength and inner power, it suggests you may need to stand your ground with a very power-hungry individual around you this week. Greedy behaviour from friends, colleagues and loved ones may leave you feeling very frustrated, and you may find yourself feeling slightly drained by someone around you too.
Virgo: Red Tourmaline (Rubellite)
Known as a stone of happiness, friendship and love, this enchanting crystal suggests you could hear some exciting news about a friend or loved one this week. Pregnancies, engagements and amazing work opportunities are all likely, and love could blossom between two people you know too. Celebrate the love around you - and nurture the bonds between you - by keeping a Red Tourmaline in your home, or placing one beside a photo of you and your loved ones.
Libra: Hematite
Symbolising strength, courage and bravery, this mesmerising crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling slightly anxious about the future this week. Overwhelming demands from friends, colleagues and family members may leave you feeling very drained, and someone’s constant negativity could really test your patience too. Leave your worries behind by keeping a Hematite in your home or work place, or holding one each day.
Scorpio: Moss Agate
Adorned with beautiful patterns -resembling everything from flowers and trees, to rivers and streams - this stunning crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling very drawn to a new hobby or pastime this week. Empowering conversations with friends, colleagues and loved ones may leave you feeling very inspired, and there could be an exciting opportunity for you to boost your finances too. Maximise your positivity by keeping a Moss Agate in your home.
Sagittarius: Carnelian
Known as a stone of courage, inner-strength and confidence, this beautiful crystal suggests you could attract some flattering attention this week. Unexpected messages from childhood friends and ex partners may leave you feeling very confused, and there could be a declaration of love from someone around you too. Embrace all the love around you by keeping a Carnelian in your bedroom, or wearing a piece of Carnelian jewellery each day.
Capricorn: Unakite
Thought to gently nurture our hearts and minds - and help us leave our worries behind - this mesmerising crystal suggests there could be some exciting news about a birth or pregnancy this week. Late night phone calls from friends, colleagues and loved ones can definitely be expected, and someone you love could surprise you with a very kind and thoughtful gesture too. Keep your energy sky high - and wave your worries goodbye - by keeping a Unakite nearby.
Aquarius: Charoite
Synonymous with new beginnings and change, this stunning crystal symbolises the start of a new - and truly wonderful - cycle in your life. New relationships, friendships and work opportunities can all be expected, and you may find yourself feeling really positive about the future too. Super-charge your happiness - and fill your heart with self-love and confidence - by keeping a Charoite crystal in your home or work place, or holding one by your heart each night.
Pisces: Sugilite
Known as a stone of forgiveness, this captivating crystal suggests there could be a heartwarming reunion between two people around you this week. Honest conversations with friends, colleagues and loved ones may leave you feeling very blessed, and a heartwarming message from someone you love could really touch your heart too. Nurture the bonds around you - and celebrate their love for you - by keeping a Sugilite in your home, or placing one beside a photo of you and your loved ones.For more information about crystals, order Naz's crystal book, The Essential Guide to Crystals