Naz’s crystal horoscopes 14th - 20th April 2019
Aries: Malachite
Mesmerising people’s hearts and minds for centuries, this beautiful crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling slightly drained by someone around you this week. Unreasonable demands from friends, bosses and family members may leave you feeling very irritable, and you may need to distance yourself from a very one-sided friendship too. Protect yourself from other people’s bad vibes and negativity - and fill your heart with positivity - by keeping a Malachite nearby.
Taurus: Aquamarine
These beautiful crystals have enchanted people’s hearts and minds for centuries, and were once thought to be the sacred jewels of mermaids. Synonymous with the sea and water, this stunning crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling slightly tearful this week. Painful memories from the past - and deep and meaningful conversations with friends and loved ones - may leave you feeling slightly emotional, and you may need to distance yourself from a very selfish friend too.
Gemini: Sodalite
This enchanting crystal has captured the hearts of some of the world’s greatest icons, and is thought to have been one of Princess Margaret’s favourite crystals. Synonymous with love, truth and honesty, it suggests someone you love could surprise you with a shocking revelation this week. Deep and meaningful conversations with friends and loved ones can definitely be expected, and you may need to give someone a piece of your mind too.
Cancer: Turquoise
Adorned with enchanting cracks and lines, this mesmerising crystal suggests a friend, colleague or loved one may ‘break’ the trust between you this week. Shady behaviour from friends and family members may leave you feeling very betrayed, and a shocking revelation about someone you love could really unsettle you too. Prevent their sneakiness from affecting your happiness by keeping a Turquoise nearby, or placing one in your home or work place.
Leo: Emerald
This captivating crystal has captured the hearts of everyone - from queens and actresses, to healers and princesses - for centuries, and is thought to have been one of Elizabeth Taylor’s favourite crystals. Symbolising love and rebirth, it suggests someone very special from the past could re-enter your life this week. Unexpected messages from childhood friends, teen crushes and ex-partners can all be expected, and love could blossom between two people you know too.
Virgo: Charoite
Taking its name from the Russian word ‘chary’, meaning magic, this bewitching crystal has enchanted the world with its spellbinding beauty since the early 20th century. Discovered in Eastern Siberia (in an area thought to be rife with political prisoners), it’s often associated with the Hindu Goddess of Words, Vac - who is synonymous with writing and words. Symbolising love and forgiveness, it suggests you could receive a heartfelt message from a loved one this week.
Libra: Peridot
With a magical history - dating back to 1,500 BC, this spellbinding crystal is often associated with the Hawaiian Goddess of Volcanoes, Pele. Like this courageous goddess - who is thought to have been viciously attacked by her sister - this enchanting crystal suggests a friend or family member may upset you with their hurtful words or actions this week. Protect yourself from their negativity - and surround yourself with positivity - by keeping a Peridot nearby.
Scorpio: Smoky Quartz
Often associated with the Greek Goddess of Magic and Witchcraft, Hecates, this spellbinding crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling slightly used by someone around you this week. Ungrateful behaviour from friends, colleagues and loved ones may leave you feeling very frustrated, and you could see a darker side to someone around you too. Calm your heart and mind - and leave your worries behind - by keeping a Smoky Quartz in your bedroom, or placing one by your window.
Sagittarius: Amethyst
Synonymous with protection, this beautiful crystal is often associated with the tragic story of a young maiden (called Amethystos), who was savagely attacked by an evil god. Terrified, she’s thought to have called out to the Goddess of Protection (Artemis) for help, and was swiftly turned into a beautiful crystal by the goddess - forming what we we now know as Amethyst. Symbolising love, it suggests you may need to ask someone for their help and support too this week.
Capricorn: Heliotrope
Synonymous with strength, courage and determination, this stunning crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling very passionate about a charitable cause this week. Eye-opening conversations with friends, colleagues and random strangers may leave you feeling very inspired, and someone you love and admire could give you some really helpful advice too. Keep your motivation sky high by placing a Heliotrope in your home, or keeping one with you each day.
Aquarius: Morganite
Known as a stone of love, this enchanting crystal suggests you may find yourself attracting some very flattering - and totally unexpected - attention this week. Kind compliments from new colleagues and random strangers may leave you feeling really uplifted, and there could be an instant connection between you and a new person around you too. Boost your confidence and positivity by placing a Morganite under your pillow, or simply keeping one with you each day.
Pisces: Ocean Jasper
Synonymous with love and healing, this stunning crystal is often associated with the Greek Goddess of Storm Clouds, Electra. Like this enchanting goddess - who is thought to have been so devoted to helping others, she gave birth to a rainbow - this mesmerising crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling very inspired by someone around you this week. Keep your motivation sky high by keeping an Ocean Jasper nearby, or placing one in your home or work place.
For more information about crystals, order Naz's crystal book, Crystal Clear, at
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