Naz’s crystal horoscopes 12th - 18th August 2019
Aries: Sodalite
This enchanting crystal has captured the hearts of some of the world’s greatest icons, and is thought to have been one of Princess Margaret’s favourite crystals. Synonymous with love, truth and honesty, it suggests someone you love could surprise you with a shocking revelation this week. Deep and meaningful conversations with friends and loved ones can definitely be expected, and you may need to give someone a piece of your mind too.
Taurus: Opal
This beautiful crystal was highly revered by the ancient Arabs, who believed the gem had fallen from heaven during a storm, and captured the lightening on its fall. The gem is even thought to have captured the heart of Queen Victoria - who is said to have laughed off superstitions about it being 'unlucky', and bought her daughters Opals as wedding gifts! As such, it suggests someone may try to influence your feelings about somebody around you this week.
Gemini: Sunstone
Like the beautiful sun it’s named after - which so selflessly shares its light with the world - this stunning crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling very drained by a friend or loved one’s needy behaviour this week. Late-night calls from colleagues and friends may leave you feeling very frustrated, and you may find yourself feeling very nostalgic too. Keep your spirits high - and wave your sadness goodbye - by keeping a Sunstone nearby, or holding one by your heart.
Cancer: Selenite
Synonymous with love and healing, this beautiful crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling slightly down about your appearance this week. Thoughtless comments from friends, colleagues and family members may leave you feeling very tearful, and someone you love could upset you with their dismissive behaviour too. Nurture your heart and mind - and leave your worries behind - by keeping a Selenite by your make up mirror, or placing one by a photo of yourself.
Leo: Dalmatian Jasper
Like the beautiful animal it’s named after - which is renowned for its loyalty - this captivating crystal suggests you may find yourself questioning someone’s words or actions this week. Secretive behaviour from friends, colleagues and family members may leave you feeling slightly unsettled, and a thoughtless comment from a friend or loved one could really play on your mind too. Prevent their negativity from draining your energy by keeping a Dalmatian Jasper nearby.
Virgo: Diamond
These beautiful crystals were highly prized by the ancient Greeks - who believed their God of Erotic Love (Cupid) would dip his arrows in diamonds before shooting them! Symbolising love, inner-belief and healing, it suggests you may find yourself feeling very empowered by someone’s faith in you this week. Powerful pep talks from friends and loved ones may leave you feeling very hopeful, and there could be some very exciting news about a pregnancy or engagement too!
Libra: Beryl
This beautiful crystal has enchanted the world with its magical properties for centuries, and is thought to be one of the most valuable crystals in the world. Encouraging us to see and appreciate our own beauty and value, it suggests you may need to distance yourself from a friend or loved one who’s always putting you down - or criticising your behaviour - this week. Keep your spirits high by placing a Beryl crystal in your home or work place.
Scorpio: Peridot
Synonymous with the Hawaiian Goddess of Volcanoes, Pele, this stunning crystal suggests there could be a personality clash between you and a female friend, colleague or family member this week. Misunderstandings with close-minded individuals - and heated exchanges with Ioved ones - may leave you feeling very frustrated, and you may find yourself snapping at a very negative person around you too. Protect yourself from their negativity by keeping a Peridot nearby.
Sagittarius: Lepidolite
Synonymous with self-love and healing, this mesmerising crystal suggests you may need to spend some time working on your confidence this week. Worries about the future - and insecurities about your appearance - may leave you feeling very drained, and a thoughtless comment from someone you love could really play on your mind too. Leave their bad vibes and negativity behind by holding a Lepidolite by your heart, or placing one under your pillow.
Capricorn: Turquoise
Prized for centuries, this mesmerising crystal has enchanted people’s hearts and minds since 4,000 BC, and is often referred to as ‘the jewel of the orient’. Thought to protect its wearer from negativity and danger, it suggests you may find yourself feeling slightly hurt by a friend or loved one’s thoughtless words or actions this week. Protect yourself from their bad vibes and negativity by placing a Turquoise in your home or work place, or keeping one with you each day.
Aquarius: Garnet
Bewitching the world with its beauty for centuries, this mesmerising crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling very torn between two people around you this week. Disagreements between friends, colleagues and loved ones may leave you feeling very conflicted, and you may need to make a very difficult decision about the future too. Keep your spirits high - and wave any bad vibes or negativity goodbye - by keeping a Garnet in your home or work place.
Pisces: Morganite
Known as a stone of love, this enchanting crystal suggests you may find yourself attracting some very flattering - and totally unexpected - attention this week. Kind compliments from new colleagues and random strangers may leave you feeling really uplifted, and there could be an instant connection between you and a new person around you too. Boost your confidence and positivity by placing a Morganite under your pillow, or simply keeping one with you each day.
For more information about crystals, order Naz's crystal book, Crystal Clear, at