Naz’s crystal horoscopes 10th - 16th March 2019
Aries: Moonstone
Bewitching the world with its spellbinding beauty for centuries, this stunning symbolises the start of a new - and very exciting - chapter in your life. New friendships, relationships and job opportunities are all likely, and you could hear some really wonderful news about a friend, family member or colleague too. Embrace all the happiness around you by keeping a Moonstone in your home or work place, or wearing a Moonstone bracelet each day.
Taurus: Ruby
Known as the ‘queen of gems’, this captivating crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling very touched by a friend or loved one’s kind words this week. Heartwarming messages from friends, colleagues and family members may leave you feeling very blessed, and someone you love could surprise you with a very thoughtful gesture too. Celebrate the love around you by placing a Ruby by a photo of you and your loved ones, or keeping one in your home.
Gemini: Rhodonite
With a rich and fascinating history (dating back to the 18th century), this spellbinding crystal was highly prized by the ancient Russians - who lovingly nicknamed the gem ‘orletz’, meaning ‘eagle stone’, after they noticed some of the local eagles carrying the gem to their nests! Like these enchanting birds - which are thought to fly higher than all the other birds in the sky - this stunning crystal suggests you may need to rise above someone’s childish behaviour this week.
Cancer: Carnelian
This beautiful crystal has enchanted the world with its magical properties for centuries, and suggests you may find yourself feeling slightly threatened by a friend or colleague’s popularity this week. Private gatherings between friends, colleagues or family members may leave you feeling very excluded, and someone could upset you with their cold or distant behaviour too. Protect yourself from their negative energy - and fill your heart with positivity - by keeping a Carnelian nearby.
Leo: Charoite
Taking its name from the Russian word ‘chary’, meaning magic, this bewitching crystal has enchanted the world with its spellbinding beauty since the early 20th century. Discovered in Eastern Siberia (in an area thought to be rife with political prisoners), it’s often associated with the Hindu Goddess of Words, Vac - who is synonymous with writing and words. Symbolising love and forgiveness, it suggests you could receive a heartfelt message from a loved one this week.
Virgo: Black Tourmaline
Thought to be one of the most powerfully protective crystals in the world, this enchanting crystal suggests there could be a power struggle between two people around you this week. Disagreements between friends, colleagues and family members may leave you feeling very unsettled, and you may find yourself feeling very torn between two people around you too. Protect yourself from their bad vibes and negativity by keeping a Black Tourmaline nearby.
Libra: Morganite
Symbolising love and happiness, this enchanting crystal suggests you may find yourself attracting some very flattering - and totally unexpected - attention this week. Kind compliments from new colleagues and random strangers may leave you feeling really uplifted, and there could be an instant connection between you and a new person around you too. Boost your confidence and positivity by placing a Morganite under your pillow, or simply keeping one with you each day.
Scorpio: Sodalite
Known as a stone of communication, this mesmerising crystal suggests there could be a misunderstanding between you and a friend, partner or loved one this week. Thoughtless comments from friends and family members may leave you feeling very hurt, and a snappy remark from someone you love and respect could really play on your mind too. Protect yourself from their bad vibes and negative energy - and fill your heart with positivity - by keeping a Sodalite nearby.
Sagittarius: Smithsonite
Synonymous with inner peace and harmony, this enchanting crystal suggests you may find yourself feeling slightly overwhelmed by your responsibilities this week. Worries about money - and unreasonable demands from friends and loved ones - may leave you feeling very drained, and you may need to stand your ground with a very selfish person around you too. Calm your heart and mind - and leave your worries behind - by keeping a Smithsonite nearby.
Capricorn: Selenite
Taking its name from the Greek word 'selenites', meaning 'moon stone', this spellbinding crystal is often associated with the Polynesian Moon Goddess, Hina Hine - who is thought to have become so distressed by her controlling brother, she flew to the moon to live in peace! Like this beautiful goddess - who was so tragically hurt by the people she loved - this enchanting crystal suggests you may need to distance yourself from a friend or family member this week.
Aquarius: Citrine
Known as a stone of abundance, this enchanting crystal has captured people’s hearts for centuries, and is thought to be one of Adele’s favourite crystals! Synonymous with love and joy, it suggests you may find yourself feeling really empowered by someone around you this week. Deep and meaningful conversations with friends, colleagues and random strangers may leave you feeling very inspired, and you may find yourself feeling very creative too!
Pisces: Diamond
Capturing the hearts of everyone - from queens and actresses, to singers and goddesses - these stunning crystal have bewitched the world with their beauty for centuries, and were once thought to be the sacred tears of gods and goddesses. Synonymous with the Greek Goddess of Love, Venus - who was renowned for her many lovers and countless admirers - this beautiful crystal suggests you could find yourself feeling very torn between two people around you this week.
For more information about crystals, order Naz's crystal book, Crystal Clear, at