As life slowly starts getting a little more normal, and the darkness of the past few months begins to fade, there couldn’t be a better time to cleanse the energy in your home and workplace. Try these super-simple tips to create lots of positive energy in your home...
Black Tourmaline
Prized for centuries, this powerfully protective crystal is an absolute must for anyone who’s hoping to wash away any negative energy in their home and/or workplace. Simply place one by your front door, or keep one with you each day to keep any negative energy at bay.
Black Onyx
Protect your home and loved ones from other people’s negative energy by keeping a Black Onyx in your home, or giving someone you love a Black Onyx as a gift. The crystal’s thought to instantly remove any negative energy, and will keep you and your loved ones feeling happy and hopeful
Smoky Quartz
Leave the sadness of the past behind you by placing a Smoky Quartz Crystal in your bedroom, or keeping one with you each day. The crystal’s thought to heal any heartache or pain, and will help you let go of the past and move on.