Naz’s crystal corner
Black Tourmaline: Weight Loss
This powerfully protective crystal is thought to help with everything – from helping you lose weight and give up chocolate, to helping you kick your addictions to coffee and make up! Ideal for anyone hoping to lose a few pounds this year, it’s the perfect way to help you avoid those mid-morning cookie-cravings this month. Simply place one on your desk, or keep one by your secret cookie stash, to help you stay strong.
Rose Quartz: Inner Beauty
Bathe your heart in love and affection – and fall in love with your beautiful reflection – by placing a Rose Quartz crystal by your make up mirror, or holding one by your heart each night before bed. Symbolising unconditional love and acceptance, its thought to help us see and appreciate the beauty within, and will help you see how wonderful – and worthy of love and happiness – you are!
Amber: Beauty
Forget spending a fortune on expensive lotions and potions this year! Simply pop an Amber crystal in your make up bag, or keep one nearby, to keep you looking and feeling fabulous this month. The gem’s thought to naturally enhance your beauty, and will help you looking super healthy and radiant.
For more information about crystals, order Naz's crystal book, The Essential Guide to Crystals