Jayne's Tip
Grounding and Protection
Winter is at an end. During winter we dream, become happier and carefree. So now is a good time of year for grounding and protecting to bring us back down to earth.
We Grounding and Protection
Winter is at an end. During winter we dream, become happier and carefree. So now is a good time of year for grounding and protecting to bring us back down to earth.
Smudging will help you clear energy in a room or a whole house. We would suggest whole house to be sure. This is the best way to start to ensure you are not affected by any negative energy that may be lurking. Once you have cleaned the house then you can begin on yourself.
Grounding and Protection
There are a number of ways to ground. However, we suggest keeping it effective but simple.
Sit or lay down.Close your eyes.
- Breathe in slowly and deeply through your nose.
- Breathe out through your mouth.
- Spend a couple of minutes breathing in this way.
- Imagine roots or cords (whichever you prefer) coming out of your feet and down into the earth.
- These anchor you to the earth (grounding).
- Now imagine light coming up the cords out of the earth.
- Picture the light filling your body.
- The light is a powerful positive light that dispels negativity and brings only good and positive energy.
- Once your body is full the light keeps going and builds a cocoon of light around you.
- The cocoon is a powerful shield to protect you.
- When you are happy you are grounded and protected bring your awareness back into your body.
- Slowly wiggle your fingers and toes.
- When you are fully in your body open your eyes.
- Stay still for a minute or two.
- Get up when you are ready.
You are now grounded and protected. You can do this as often as you feel necessary.