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Full moon in Sagittarius 

Full moon in Sagittarius 

We are entering the fabulous Super full blood moon in Sagittarius . When the moon is closer to the earth. 

Full moons help us to let go of what no longer serve, what we want to release and shows us areas in our lives that may have been hidden or not working now. 

This full moon in the fire sign of Sag is also a lunar eclipse. A powerful day of mixed energy. Some of you may have been feeling extra tired or unsettled some excited and super busy. 

Sagittarius energy is about adventure, travel, exploring and expanding our destiny! 

Embrace the changes, look at ways to expand your horizons 

Eclipses  are a time of change and transformation, moving from one state of being to another. Our intuition is heightened and a time to dig deep into our soul. Pay attention to the signs around you now and follow your true path. Eclipses bring to light what has been hidden so you may see a different perspective now. 

Be open to new information, allow thing to clear, surrender to the powers that be. 

You may be ready to shift from any outdates belief system or find you want to add to your knowledge and philosophical learnings 

Remember to stay grounded and protected if your super sensitive. This energy is anything but delicate and could knock you off your feet! Brash, loud and proud finding pleasure in all things that stimulate your sense now is called for 

You may have felt a shift starting to happen already, allow this to pass through your energy fields for something bigger is waiting for you now 

Freedom, joy and a shift to focus on your own beliefs and integrity will resonate now. Be positive with your actions as any that set out to damage will have a negative effect on your own journey 

Also truth seekers and speakers, expect your truth to be heard now! 

Jupiter rules the planet of Sagittarius, the planet of luck and expansion, so pay close attention to all opportunities now.

Ask yourself if you have been too blunt and insensitive, do you act on impulse of assumptions rather than facts? Are you pushing your believes on to others now? Think about how you can change these thoughts or action to be more positive and kind. 

Look on the bright side, use Sagittarius energy now to spur on your goals with optimism fun and adventures 

Questions to ask your tarot cards 

*What is the Sagittarius full moon energy around me now 

*How can I make the most of new opportunities 

*What do I need to do to let go of negative influences 

*How can I focus my thoughts to align to my higher self 

*What area is expanding for me now 

*How can I be more compassionate 

*Tarot message 

Kate May Modern Day Mystic 


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