Full Moon: 9th March 2020
Full Moon: 9th March 2020
As we inch into spring, it’s time to thaw off those to-do lists. Celebrations take many forms and getting yourself organized for a new season can be invigorating. This full moon is a perfect opportunity to start some spring cleaning, swap out your winter wardrobe, and think about any new routines you want to adopt for the coming season.
New Moon: 24th March 2020
With the recent spring equinox, we’ve officially changed seasons and started a new astrological new year! As the baby of the zodiac, Aries energy is fresh, bright, and raring to go. We can honor this sense of curiosity and youth by letting go of old habits and patterns under the new moon. Who would you be if you could start from scratch? By releasing the past, we can march boldly into the future.