Bullet Journal
Bullet Journals are a great way to organise your life that is quick, efficient and completely customisable. It is also known and Rapid Logging and for users the term BuJo has been adopted. The concept was created by Ryder Carroll and he has set some guidelines but you can use it how you want. He has written a book on the subject with loads of examples of how to take advantage of the system, Although the community is growing and you can find Facebook groups, Pinterest accounts, Instagram accounts all dedicated to this growing topic. The aim is to plan and record your life in short bursts but in a very useful, efficient manner. The beauty is that you can adapt it or utilise it in any way you wish. Here are just a few examples of how you use it.
One of the main components is the use of symbols . The symbols alongside words or phrases give a quick view of what is written. There are some standard conventions such as the use of dots. Thse can be turned into other symbols depending on what happens to them. This is an important element of the system.
The Journal
There are a number of options of types of journals you can select. The 'BuJo' community can offer help and guidance on which to choose and why. The two main types are ruled and dotted. The dotted allows you to create lines in various directions to suit what you wish to record.
Creating an index at the front of the book allows you to quickly turn to the page or pages you wish. You continue adding to the index as you go. It builds to a comprehensive list.
Future Log
This 'spread' (usually drawn over 2 pages) is split into 4 or 6 months. The names of the months are written in each box. E.G. May, June, July, etc. The idea is to note matters in these boxes for action when the relevant month arrives.
Monthly Log
Here you use 2 pages again. On the left hand page write each date of the month. Next to each date you write the first letter of the day. On the right hand page you list all your tasks for that month. This gives you an overview of the month at a glance.
Daily Log
Write the date and day. Then you log the tasks to achieve, any events and any thoughts or notes from the day to remember. When looking back you will have a handy, rapid recording of your day.
Habit Trackers
You can draw a series of boxes marked with dates or days Then tick or place a cross or colour each box when you meet that habit. Examples include - drinking 2 litres of water per day, walking for 30 minutes, etc.
Customised Pages
Once you have created your journal you can create or use the system in whatever way you wish. You can draw, create lists, journal your thoughts, plan a holiday a business or an event and so much more. The only limit is your imagination.
If you want more order in your life, a chance to be creative or are just intrigued Bullet Journalling could be for you. Why not have research it and see what it can do for you.