The Fool
You are on the brink of a new path in life, and a wonderful opportunity awaits. Now is the time to follow your destiny – in work and in relationships. Before you follow your heart’s desire, pay attention to two things: be practical, and check that your dream is tangible and realistic; and listen to you intuition, which will safely guide you forward. Keep the focus on your goals, rather than be distracted by others’ opinions and needs. This is your time to reinvent yourself, and there’s a bright future ahead in exciting new territory. The Fool can also show a physical journey over land or sea.
Advice: Time to look before you leap, if you like what you see, dive right in
King of Wands
This king is an action man, which makes him an engaging companion and an inspiring leader. Self-motivated, he is entrepreneurial, dynamic, and open-minded. You will know what he is thinking, as his feelings always show. Travel may be important to him, and he is connected to many people with backgrounds different to his own. As the ‘you’ card in a reading, expect to find practical solutions to problems, and also see your network of friends and professional contacts grow.
Advice: Explore your passions and look to unconventional people and new places.
The Hermit
It’s time to revisit the past to take stock before you move on. You may muse on happy memories, or discover that there’s unfinished business, so you may find yourself being in touch with someone from the past, or revisiting an old situation to find answers. At this time, you’ll also be judging yourself on your past actions: did you do the right thing? An additional meaning of the card is spiritual connection, linking with those in spirit - guides, angels and loved ones.
Advice: If you feel you need to give a person a second chance, or return to an old situation, now is the time to decide. If you’re reassessing the past in other ways, don’t be too hard on yourself.
Two of Pentacles
This Two shows a decision is underway. You’re considering your options, rehearsing all the possible outcomes, rather than taking action. The choice may concern jobs, places to study, potential homes, or where to travel. In personal finances, there are demands on your resources, so you may find yourself juggling income and expenditure in order to balance the books.
Advice: Pay attention to the detail of any financial agreements or offers. Look for the long-term benefits, rather than go for short-term gain.
Ten of Swords
The Ten as the final ‘number’ card of the Swords is the summing up; an ending, usually involving some degree of drama. This can come as a shock or as a relief, as you see the situation or relationship for what it is, or was; it cannot develop and grow. However unwanted this card may be when it arrives in reading, it does tell the truth, and helps you see what needs to be released.
Advice: Walk away, and let go. Focus on the present rather than dwell on the past.
Ace of Wands
You’re crowned with success under the influence of this creative Ace as new projects, work, ideas, and travel plans take off. You’re able to communicate well now, to share your vision and persuade others to get onside. If you’ve been wondering if your plans will succeed, this card tells you ‘yes’. Listening to your intuition will also strengthen your spiritual beliefs. An additional meaning is fertility and pregnancy, and beginning a new journey or adventure.
Advice: Step into your power – invent, talk and create. Whatever you say now will be well received.
Nine of Cups
February is a month to make your wishes come true, as you will benefit from love, friendship, support in your projects, and harmony at home; all aspects of your life flourish, and you’re feeling content and fulfilled. The only glitch is being a little smug, so be sensitive in your enthusiasm to share your good fortune. An additional meaning is entertaining and socializing.
Advice: You’re perfectly placed to manifest what you dream of, so make your wish.
Queen of Pentacles
This affectionate, generous woman is the wise helper we all want in our lives. A lover of nature, home, and her family, she is practical and down to earth. As the ‘you’ card in a reading, this Queen shows you focus on key tasks now, and spend your money wisely. An additional meaning is an influential woman at work who supports your career.
Advice: Be hands-on; get involved, give practical help, and share your knowledge with those who need it.
Three of Cups
February is a month of celebration as you have finally turned a corner and things are looking up, its time to party as a weddings, parties and other get-togethers will bring a smile to your face. If single, your joie de vivre attracts other people to you, and you’ll enjoy feeling popular and charismatic. As life is sensual and abundant under the influence of these Three Cups, you might over-indulge in all things sweet.
Advice: Take time to enjoy your friendships, let your worries go and focus on the year ahead
Six of Wands
February brings brilliant success as a result of hard work and resilience. Others will appreciate your shining light, and you may receive special acknowledgement for your work, attending a presentation, graduation ceremony, or prize-giving, for example. You may also receive a financial reward to help you celebrate. An additional meaning of the card is an offer of love, from a new romance to a proposal of marriage.
Advice: This is your time to shine, so don’t hold back; you deserve every success.
Ten of Cups
Love grows and bonds deepen in romance, while your social and family connections grow and thrive; anything you do with others is favoured now, from celebrations to team sports. Any old disagreements are overcome in the spirit of togetherness. Children thrive and your home is a hive of activity; equally, you enjoy prosperity and work success. An additional meaning of this Ten is finding your dream home, and having children.
Advice: You can feel blessed for the life you have; it’s time to celebrate.
Seven of Swords
This Seven is known as the 'thief' card of the tarot as it reveals something being taken from you. Often, it validates your suspicions; if your intuition is telling you not to trust, follow it. Investigate the detail rather than agree to an offer until you have evidence that it’s genuine. Also, this card asks you to take extra care of your possessions, and to protect yourself from negative people who drain your energy.
Advice: Protect your assets and examine others' motives carefully - be on your guard.