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Angel Tarot Course - The Moon & The Sun

The Moon: Angel of Dreams
Illusion, mystery, subconscious, secrets, buried wisdom, intuition, confusion, doubt

The moon illuminates an enchanting landscape. A fish, symbol of the soul, is poised between water and land, unsure whether to risk a path past two howling creatures. Their cries signify the instinctual self crying out for attention. Two towers guard the new territory head. The card is XVIII, which reduces to nine, the number of tension. The fish must make a decision: is he safer where he is, or should he leave his familiar waters?

The Moon brings an uncertain, dreamlike quality to your life just now: is what you see an illusion, or can you trust it? A situation will become clear in time, but your inner knowing will offer you the answers now if you listen. The Moon also comes up in readings to show a crisis of confidence and self-doubt, or idealising a person or situation because you don’t have the facts. On a spiritual level, the card invites you to pay attention to your dreams.

Power Message Your intuition will speak to you; take notice, and trust that any changes you make as a result are for your higher good.

“I appreciate what my intuition is telling me, and give myself time and space to connect with my deeper self.”

The Sun: Angel of Happiness
Joy, success, blessings, energy, well-being, optimism, protection, rest

The sunflowers signify growth, while the wall symbolises protection and sanctuary from the everyday world. The child-angel stands for happiness, freedom and joy. The card is numbered XIX, which reduces to both ten and one. Ten signifies completion while one, individuality and freedom. An additional interpretation is the enlightened soul that sees the true beauty of the Universe.

It’s time to enjoy a well-earned holiday, or otherwise appreciate your success. You feel blessed, and problems fade away as The Sun casts its warmth; if you have any downbeat cards next to The Sun in your reading, interpret them in their most positive aspect, because The Sun cancels out any negativity around itself and around you. The card also favours happy times with children, and feeling energised, motivated and happy; if you have felt depleted recently, you soon recover your strength.

Power Message Enjoy life’s blessings and the success you have earned. You can now rest and be rewarded.

“I invite joy into my heart and soul for the many gifts I have been given.”

Thank you for taking part on my weekly Tarot Course, I hope you have enjoyed it. Now it is time to put all your together and star to do readings for your family or friends. See you next week.

For a copy of my new Tarot Deck The Angel Tarot 

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