Angel Tarot Course - Seven
Seven represents Reflection, assessment, motives, spirituality, wisdom, perfect order, observation, investigation, meditation, discovery and knowledge. Seven represents faith – faith in the things that can’t be seen, but nevertheless exist. It is about knowing the ultimate truths, and it is through experience that understanding develops and faith in the unknown is attained. In a reading, many 7s indicate a period of introspection or solitude.
Seven of Cups
Keywords Choices, excess, dreams, delusion
Are you feeling out of balance? The Seven of Cups reveals your head is in the clouds. The world seems full of fantastic potential, but you can’t yet see which path to follow. As anything seems possible, you may be guilty of wishful thinking, unable or unwilling to see the facts behind the facade. On a physical level, a common meaning of this Seven is excess and over-indulgence. For artistic types, the card can indicate creative ideas yet to be realised.
Power Message
Focus on one or two practical options. Reign yourself in!
Seven of Wands
Keywords Resilience, challenges, courage, defence
This Seven reveals a challenge to your position. You may need to fight hard to protect your work, or argue for a principle or cause you hold dear; equally, you may find yourself in an advocacy position, standing up for another person who cannot defend or speak for themselves. The opposition might be relentless, but it’s worth defending yourself; you have courage and passionately believe that what you are doing is right. The card can also arise in readings to show issues with neighbours and property boundaries.
Power Message
Stand your ground, and argue your case with eloquence.
Seven of Pentacles
Keywords Vision, perseverance, reward, investment
Sevens in tarot are cards of potential, and the Seven of Pentacles reveals potential for success - and a tangible reward for your efforts. The work and time you’re investing may be testing you, but this is a worthwhile job, business or home improvement; in creative projects, it can represent a research phase, or groundwork. You may doubt your ideas at times, but don’t give in. You will soon see the results you’ve been waiting for.
Power Message
Keep going, keep your vision and keep your patience. All the effort will be worthwhile.
Seven of Swords
Keywords Theft, deception, negative people, self-protection
This Seven, as the card of theft, reveals potential loss and the need to safeguard your property and peace of mind; the card can also show that your ideas may be stolen, or you’re undermined by negative people. From checking your home security to keeping your great ideas to yourself, the card advises you to be super-cautious just now. In relationships, there may be insecurity and mistrust due to fear that a partner may turn elsewhere.
Power Message
Guard your possessions carefully and avoid those negative people.
Thank you for taking part on my weekly Tarot Course, I hope you have enjoyed it. Now it is time to put all your together and star to do readings for your family or friends. Next week we will look at the eight.
For a copy of my new Tarot Deck The Angel Tarot