Angel Tarot Course - Four
Four represents Structure, foundation, stability, stagnation, manifestation, practical application, formation, concentration, organisation and planning. It is the result of a well-built foundation and proper application. It is what comes as a result of desire and imagination (i.e. the energy of 1, 2 and 3). Many 4s in a reading indicate fruition or the manifestation of an idea along with a foundation where things can grow.
Four of Cups
Keywords Indifference, doubt, acceptance, growth
Opportunities are on the horizon, but you may be feeling indifferent, flat, or emotionally withdrawn. It’s time to move ahead in work and relationships, but you’re waiting for something to happen – and your current dissatisfaction makes you reluctant to make positive decisions or take action. Boredom may be sapping your energy and blocking your motivation. This Four invites you to examine your current situation rather than resist it - then you’ll get to see what needs to change.
Power Message
Rediscover your motivation. Rather than wait for change, make it happen.
Four of Wands
Keywords Freedom, home, marriage, harmon
This Four reveals a time of freedom, that childhood feeling of playfulness and discovery. Often, the card comes up in a reading to show that you revisit childhood by returning to a childhood place or home, or you enjoy a relationship that makes you feel young and free - hence the meaning of marriage and new, exciting phases in relationships. The spiritual aspect of this card is renewing the connection with your angels, guides, and nature devas.
Power Message
Connect with nature, and your angels and guides to rediscover your inner child.
Four of Pentacles
Keywords Control, order, security, conservatism
If you have suffered financial stress recently, the Five brings reassurance that your situation will improve. The card reveals security and a return to order, with spending under control and relationships stable and content. The downside of this card can be smugness, traditional attitudes, or being stuck in old habits and beliefs. Security may be what we all wish for, but too much emphasis on the material world can stifle an adventurous spirit.
Power Message
Don’t let the need for security get between you and your dreams; you can find a way to be financially viable and fulfilled.
Four of Swords
Keywords Healing, inaction, recovery, time out
The card often comes up to show health matters and a period of recovery. You may need to step back from work to recuperate, or otherwise find a way to distance yourself from a stressful situation. In love, a relationship goes on hold, or one of you has switched off emotionally. On spiritual level, the Four reveals that you may take time for meditation or personal reflection. Overall, the card is neutral – you will know if it represents a welcome break or enforced time out.
Power Message
Take this opportunity to look after yourself - slow down, just for a while.
Thank you for taking part on my weekly Tarot Course, I hope you have enjoyed it. Now it is time to put all your together and star to do readings for your family or friends. Next week we will look at the Fives.
For a copy of my new Tarot Deck The Angel Tarot